prp hair loss treatment in Gujrat Pakistan
Frequently asked questions about PRP treatment for hair loss at Gujrat Hair Transplant Clinic..
PRP stands for platelet rich plasma in which around 20 ml of patient owns blood is processed and then platelets derived growth factors are re-injected to control hair loss.
How many sessions of PRP required to control hair loss?
There is no limit for prp hair loss treatment sessions. One needs around 3 to 4 session per year and if PRP in injections are given along with FUE hair transplant which not only boost the newly transplanted stem cells but also strengthens the existing hairs.
Can we perform prp along with hair transplant surgery?
Yes prp is mostly used now a day both with fue hair transplant and fut hair transplant both at transplanted area and over donor area after hair surgery.
Can prp hair loss treatment grow new hairs?
It’s the most common question about prp hair loss treatment and most of the clinics market it as a hair growth treatment. PRP is purely a hair loss treatments and it won’t grow new hairs. Only fine hair grew stronger with prp treatment but only for a short period of time.
What is the cost of prp procedure?
Cost of prp varies from clinic to clinic .Price of prp with gun (prp U225 Gun) is more expensive as compared to other prp.
Side effects of prp hair loss treatment.
Prp is safe if done by a properly qualified hair transplant clinic and under supervision of a doctor. Sterile instruments are used to perform prp treatment.